Mestizaje means Inclusion,
Inclusion means Solidarity...

Art and Philanthropy
working together...

12 nonprofit ORGANIZATIONS
30 sponsors

Based in Miami, we promote the values of diversity, inclusion and reinvention implicit in the 'mestizaje' of the Americas through the development and production of top-class dance and music theater shows and educational activities advocating for the idea of 'Cultural Panamericanism'.
​We work for the health and life of the Venezuelan children. Through our acquaintances in Venezuela we are able to identify what the most urgent needs are so we can provide the patient with respective treatment. The organization has earned GlobalGiving’s “Superstar” status as Top-Ranked/Effective organization, and GuideStar's “Platinum Seal” for its transparency.
We contribute to improve the lives of children in low-income communities in Ecuador, Latin America and the United States by improving education and providing volunteering opportunities that bridge worlds. We are affiliated with Fundación Nobis in Ecuador.
Our mission is to change Colombia’s future by investing in the children. Our vision is improving the quality of life of children, young adults, and their communities, through sports, games, recreation, education, and health. For more than 20 years we have been working with children and youngsters having benefited more than 147,000 people, including 135,815 children and adolescents, 2,073 teachers and 10,031 parents.
Based in Miami, we are in the path to creating a safe space for young adults with special needs and their families. Our strategy includes providing jobs, integrated therapies, teaching social skills, life lessons and mentoring programs in a loving environment. Based on the extensive experience and training obtained at Berklee College of Music and the knowledge and skills of a mother with a daughter with special abilities, we mix music, therapy and philanthropy in a single recipe for success.
We are an organization that contributes to the stabilization of mixed migratory flows and host communities through a comprehensive model with a focus on rights and duties, welfare, inclusion and social integration in Colombia.
For 25 years we have been supporting education, nutrition and healthcare programs managed by Asociacion Damas Salesianas in Venezuela, Colombia, Peru, Dominican Republic, Mexico, Nicaragua, and the United States. ADS has been awarded the President’s Volunteer Service Award, and has earned Gold Level in GuideStar.
At the Juanfe Foundation, we invest in physical, mental and emotional health, in education, and in the employability of young mothers in situations of extreme poverty and vulnerability. We have worked with 5,411 young people in Cartagena and Medellín, treated 204,063 people at our Juan Felipe IPS Medical Centre, and saved the lives of 4,449 children through the Crib Sponsoring Program.
With learning centers in Canada, USA, Panama and Venezuela, the organization has been making a positive difference in the lives of children affected by Autism. Our steadfast commitment in creating holistic and innovative learning environments has led us to assemble a knowledgeable and experienced multi-disciplinary treatment team, ensuring that our original vision and mission is always being met.
We are a New York Based Public Charity founded on June 13th, 1990, to commemorate the 200th anniversary of the birth in Acarigua, Venezuela of Jose Antonio Paez. VAEA promotes through the visual and performing arts a deeper and richer understanding by Venezuelan citizens of U.S. culture, and by U.S. citizens of Venezuelan culture.
For more than ten years we've been making change happen all over Latin America by empowering girls in need with the magic of Fútbol. Our work with Unicef, the UN and many private sector partners in Haiti, Venezuela and Mexico has transformed the lives of thousands of girls.
Based in Venezuela, we teach and build citizenship through the development of identity and a sense of belonging to transform spaces of encounter for the common good, developing training programs aimed at children who live in communities with the potential for transformation. We work under our own replicable and sustainable methodology developed at M.I.T. where participants and neighbors decide the space to transform and the elements that will be part of it.
We are a non-profit institution created in 2006 that believes that education is a pillar for the development of an inclusive society. Born from a personal search for spaces for the integration and development of people with autism, we create the opportunity for them to receive the educational services to which they are entitled, regardless of their socioeconomic level.
We expand, maintain and sustain the Jenaro Aguirre Elorriaga School that has become a full support system for the community of the slum Barrio 24 de Marzo in Petare (Venezuela)
guaranteeing that children have access to fundamental Human Rights as a good education, a balanced nutrition and the good quality of their health care.
Based in Colombia, we have transformed more than 17,000 lives and given for adoption over 8,000. As a transitory home, we provide overall care to the children under the measurement of restoration of rights and to the mother with a pregnancy in conflict, defending the right to life, guiding the families of children under restoration or rights, so to achieve the reintegration of the children to their families, and finding adoptive families for the children declared in adoptability.
We are a private, non-profit organization whose mission is to collects funds to cover medical care activities of the Children’s Orthopedic Hospital in Caracas Venezuela. With 80 years of history, the hospital’s main objective is to offer specialized medical treatment to underprivileged children suffering from orthopedic and osteo-muscular disorders.
With more than 10 million meals provided to date, we develop sustainable solutions to the food security challenges of Venezuelan families. We promote community organization and volunteer work as a way to provide daily lunches to children at risk or experiencing nutritional deficiency as a result of the complex humanitarian crisis.
We are a 501c3 organization created in 2016 with the purpose to continue a project that was born in Venezuela in 2005 - the “Fundación Mezerhane” - under deep rooted values of social responsibility. Our vision is to develop and reinforce alliances with other foundations in the fields of education, culture and health.
Since 1985, around 17,000 children have benefited from our action through Hogares Bambi. We welcome children in situations of extreme vulnerability (abandonment, child labor, mistreatment and abuse) with the aim of finding physical and psychological balance. We surround them with all the care until the moment they can reintegrate with their families in better socioeconomic conditions or adoptive families.
We are dedicated to the care of children and adolescents from 0 to 18 years old who have been deprived of their original family environment due to abandonment, mistreatment, sexual abuse, homelessness, extreme poverty, parental problems with the law, parents in alcoholism or drugs. Reintegrating each of our children into a safe family environment is our challenge. Since 1996, five homes have been opened, with an installed capacity to house 156 children and adolescents.
We promote the education of Flamenco dance in Florida. With 8 editions to date, the 'Flamenco Schools USA Festival' is an annual event created by Luna Cale with the goal of showing the continuous work of the different teaching centers of this beautiful art form across Florida; and to support and showcase these new talents.
Located in Peru, Kantaya offers a free After School program to underprivileged children between 5 and 12 years of age that allows them to improve their Reading and Math skills and develops their Socio Emotional skills. Children consider Kantaya their second home, where they receive a comprehensive education and where they feel safe instead of being alone at their homes. More than 1,500 children have benefited from this program and most of them aspire to a better life.
Since 2008, this Venezuelan organization has provided comprehensive training to children, youth and adults from vulnerable communities with limited resources through educational and entrepreneurship programs with high quality and impact: more than 100,000 students benefited and more than 4,000 teachers trained, plus more than 50,000 children fed in about 200 public schools.
We work with migrants, refugees and returnees from Venezuela, as well as with the host population in situations of extreme vulnerability, in order to help provide them with a better quality of life, humanizing and dignifying the circumstances in which they find themselves. Our vision is to unite efforts and join wills to provide well-being, dignity and hope.
Our mission is to contribute to the development of Guatemala, improving education through technology. To date, we have equipped 1,727 schools with technology, delivered 28,323 equipment, trained 92,089 teachers, and benefited 587,990 students.
Based in Peru, this non-profit organization is oriented to social transformation and cultural promotion. It was founded by the Peruvian dancer Vania Masias in 2005 and today it represents a successful benchmark in the use of the arts as a tool for social transformation in Peru. To date, D1 has benefited more than 8,000 adolescents and their families from vulnerable communities.
Based in Peru, OLI Foundation is a solidary platform that connects aid with the need to achieve a country with equal opportunities. It is based on the culture of solidarity with sustainability, focusing on 4 pillars: Health, Education, Environment and Empowerment.
We are a private assistance organization created in the year 2000 to support quality education in Mexico with the purpose of achieving social transformation. We have awarded more than 58,000 scholarships in 9 states of Mexico, with 100% of the population served belonging to economically disadvantaged families from marginalized areas of the country.
'El Pilar' is a non-profit organization that has been working since 2011 on citizen construction and social integration through cultural education, as well as on the professionalization of the artistic sector, in and from the border between Norte de Santander in Colombia and Táchira in Venezuela, betting on the identity, internationalization and productivity of the territory.
The Support Center for Sustainable Development SUCEDE enables individuals, corporations and foundations to invest in innovative and result-oriented social projects that brings long-term solutions for disadvantaged communities in Peru, as well as accountability for donor’s social investment. We make philanthropic giving overseas effective and accountable.
We contribute with education, individual welfare and community development for reduce inequality of opportunities and promote social inclusion. From Engagement Foundation we work from the implementation of programs, associated programs, and campaigns that offer useful tools to people and communities to enhance their comprehensive development.